Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I have been thinking today about how broken people really are the past few days and the same thing comes to me every time i think about it; where is our identity? as a Christian i know that my identity is supposed to be found in Christ, why is this so hard for Christians to see this one small detail. are we so focused on what people are saying about us or whether we have made someone else mad at us. when i here this from my peers my heart just begins to break, these people are broken and they don't even see this in their own lives. i just want to say God is bigger than all of the things that you think are going on, give up your control and let God have it. He will work out all of the things that you are struggling with.

But then i start thinking about my life and the things that i have had trouble letting go of, and i see that God wants me to let go of some things as well. then i begin to realize that God is saying "Ethan come and leave all of your burdens with me and i will help you move forward." and God is doing this every day I must move forward keep look to God for guidance; He who is the creator of the universe is so much bigger than any thing that i have on my plate, and when i get stressed about something God wants me to come to him about the problem to talk with him about it to be open and ready to be chastised for the sin and yet forgiven at the same time. God doesn't want me to go and run out in the dessert when i fail him. and i am just fooling myself if i think that i can fix my sin by going to more bible studies and going pending more time in prayer. God wants me to come and lay it down at his feet and to let him know that i am truly repentant for failing him and i want to change and i can only change by letting go and giving it to Him.