Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Long Journey

In a senseless dark way I see you following me, I do not want you to. My darkness is far to violent and destitute could you ever love me. I begin to slow and let you catch up; I see that you are walking relaxed and somber. After you reach me you ask why I did not wait for you I say that I just did not want to let you see me for who I really am. And you smile with that small still smile and tell me. “ You fool I have know who you were all along. I have a plan for you, and your darkness is only one part of how I will shape and mold you to who you are going to be. You will forever serve me I have called you to this and I will walk with you through your darkness and lead you to the ultimate place on the hill with me I am going to put you in a place that you can not even imagine.” So I let Him walk with me and stand with me and that (in the words of a better poet than I) has made all the difference.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thoughts to ponder

I have just begun reading the book of Acts today and I just had an amazing revelation, looking at Simon Peter giving his sermon to the Jews who had traveled to Jerusalem the thing that struck me most was the knowledge that Peter has of the Hebrew Scriptures in this sermon he uses more than 3 different Hebrew scriptures, the reason that this is so cool to me is that Peter may not have had a full understanding of the scriptures but through the coming of the Holy Spirit Peter was given the ability to change and see something very different and show Gods glory.

Now on to the part that just hit me like a ton of bricks, I have really been struggling with my personal study of scripture and after reading this I see that first we must be in tune with the Holy Spirit and then we must begin the long process to discipline ourselves to build our communion with Yahweh.

Just something to ponder today….