Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Long Journey

In a senseless dark way I see you following me, I do not want you to. My darkness is far to violent and destitute could you ever love me. I begin to slow and let you catch up; I see that you are walking relaxed and somber. After you reach me you ask why I did not wait for you I say that I just did not want to let you see me for who I really am. And you smile with that small still smile and tell me. “ You fool I have know who you were all along. I have a plan for you, and your darkness is only one part of how I will shape and mold you to who you are going to be. You will forever serve me I have called you to this and I will walk with you through your darkness and lead you to the ultimate place on the hill with me I am going to put you in a place that you can not even imagine.” So I let Him walk with me and stand with me and that (in the words of a better poet than I) has made all the difference.

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